Our Opportunities

Thank you for considering Shasta College Scholarships to help fund your education. Please use the latest version of Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, or Apple Safari as your internet browser and log in to begin the process.

If you are a new applicant, please your @students.shastacollege.edu email address and create a password to sign up for an account. Note: If you are serving as a Reference or Reviewer, please refer to the email invitation received.

Your password:

  • must not contain your user name or common words or phrases
  • must be a minimum of 12 characters
  • must include at least 1 digit, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, and 1 of these special characters: # ? ! @ $ % ^ & *

Upon signing up, you will receive a confirmation email to ensure your identity. Please make sure to check your spam folder for this email if it is not received. Once you have confirmed your account, you can begin accessing the system to apply for scholarships.

If your account gets locked, the system will reset in two hours, use the “Trouble Signing In” link to reset your password.

If you have recently applied to Shasta College, please allow up to 5 business days before creating your scholarship application account to ensure information is properly imported.

Application Process:
1. Complete the online General Application

Scholarship applications are matched to the active major on file in the Admissions Office, and various Shasta College programs (i.e. EOPS/CARE, PACE, Umoja, and ACE). Please verify this information is correct, by opening your Applicant Record on your General Application. Updates can be made by contacting the program office and will be reflected within 24-hours of the change. To ensure donor requirements are met, only one active major can be on file (this is for scholarship purposes only).

2. To be considered for additional scholarship opportunities, use the “Apply” button to complete the additional donor question(s), including providing email addresses for references.

  • References should be from an instructor, work or volunteer supervisor, or someone who can comment about you objectively (NOT a family member or close friend).
  • References will be contacted to complete the process by email. Please ensure email addresses are entered correctly or the recipient will not receive your invitation.
  • Please give your reference at least two weeks notice prior to the deadline to complete the process.
  • References must be received before the application deadline. Please track and remind contacts of the application deadline. Additional reminders can be sent by applicants from their user page.

In order to be considered for Financial Need based scholarship(s), a current FASFA or CADAA must be on file with the Shasta College Financial Aid Office.

REMEMBER: To ensure applications are accurately reviewed, your General Application must be updated each semester.

*If you have questions please contact the Scholarship Processor at scholarships@shastacollege.edu or by calling (530) 395-8514.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$950 paid 1/2 next Fall & 1/2 next Spring semesters Shasta Novoply
Natural Resources major pursuing a degree or certificate related to...
$500 paid 1/2 next Fall & 1/2 next Spring semesters Shasta Symphony League - Music and Memories
Instrumental Music major REQUIREMENTS: 1. Open to new and returning...
$500 paid next Fall semester Shingletown Medical Center Nursing
A.D.N. major REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must have 70 units completed in applicable...
$282.50 paid next Fall semester Subhadra Kakarlapudi Scholarship
Open to All Majors REQUIREMENTS Open to New and Returning...
$1100 paid 1/2 next Fall & 1/2 next Spring semesters Todd Stewart Memorial
Open to all Transfer majors REQUIREMENTS: 1. Cumulative 2.0 GPA or...
$1200 paid 1/2 next Fall & 1/2 next Spring semesters Vincent S. and Julia S. Meyer Science and Math
Natural Science, Computer Science or Math major REQUIREMENTS: 1. Open...
$550 paid next Fall Yvonne Keith Memorial - Continuing at SC
Health or Physical Education major REQUIREMENTS: 1. Open to new and...
$550 paid next Fall Yvonne Keith Memorial -Transferring to 4-Year
Health or Physical Education major REQUIREMENTS: 1. Cumulative 2.7 GPA...
$550 paid next Fall semester Shasta College Student Senate / Endowment - Outstanding in Student Activities
Open to All majors REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must have 12 units completed 2....
$500 paid next Fall semester Shasta College Student Senate Outstanding in Student Government (Returning)
Open to All majors REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must have 12 units completed 2....
$500 paid next Fall semester Shasta College Student Senate Outstanding in Student Government (Transfer)
Open to All majors REQUIREMENTS: 1. Must have 12 units completed 2....